Sunday, September 28, 2014

the making of stars...

(pictures I need to make sure and go back to study right after they cat remind myself they do love each other and they do get along most of the time....usually....a lot....maybe not right this second...but most times.)


jenn said...

sweet pics :)

Bekah Boo said...

How are they so tall and lovely and big?!?! Lydia looks like a teenager!!!!!! it's good Jake is trained to kill b/c seriously---these two?! and the twins?!? Dang, you two make beautiful little ladies!

....also, I'm assuming he is b/c in my head everyone in the military is?!? but--shows what a civilian knows.

also-i want to be on that porch singing with them!!

Stacy said...

Loved virtually catching up. Missing a good fall camping trip with our cousins!