Friday, September 28, 2012

Art Day 2012

The girls and I volunteered to help with our Co-Op's Art Day this year.
We found a project, did the samples, gathered supplies, organized volunteers and helped 80 of our friends ranging in ages from 4 to 17 do the project as well.
Now their mommies can order their art work on cool products.
(I cannot WAIT to see some of these on coffee mugs, magnets, t-shirts, IPhone cases, etc!!!)

It was CR.a.Z.y. and fun fun fun!
just a glimpse....

found the idea on Dali's Moustache art teacher blog
two posts: one here and one here

I thought I would share in case you were needing an art project idea for 80 kids spanning a million age ranges, this one totally rocked ;-).

1 comment:

Courtney said...

yay! so glad it went well!